Artist: Pete Dredge
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 28th December 1985

The Story

Arfur is over at Terry's house delivering Terry's Christmas present. It's a pop video, and they want to watch it now, but Terry's Dad is watching Terry Wogan's Christmas Speech. Besides, Terry's cousins will be here soon for the Christmas party.

At that moment they knock at the door, and Terry says he's got an idea. Go back to Arfur's house and watch the video there. Arfur wants to stay at Terry's and invites the cousins in. They start the party in the kitchen and Arfur decides the first game is blind mans buff.

Arfur decides Terry's Dad goes first and whilst he is blindfolded looking for people, Arfur and Terry slip into the other room to watch the pop video.


The pop video is of Marc and the Creepers who also appeared in 1st June and 29th June 1985.
Each individual box of the strip is decorated in snow.