Artist: Mike Lacey
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 1st June 1985

The Story

Someone decides to trick The Winners into helping him win the Funny Family Photo Competition. He shows the flyer to Mr Winner and lends him a professional camera to help get the best shot.

So the family get together. Mr Winner takes the picture and sets up the picture. But it’s a trick camera….there’s soot under the cape. Not understanding what’s so funny he goes back under and takes the picture, but this time it squirts water at the rest of the family. They all begin to smash the camera up, and that’s the point where the man who is trying to win the competition takes his own picture and enters it.

It’s the day of the judging and the photo of the Winners wins. But in the small print it says the prize goes to the family in the picture not the photographer….so the Winners win and the man who tried to trick them feels very stupid.


The picture taken of The Winners doesn’t quite seem to match the moment the picture was taken., Mr Winners sleeve is slightly higher up then in the picture.
The Winners are loaned an old Victorian style camera to take their picture with, but the actual picture is taken with a more conventional camera.
The competition is being held by the camera shop.