Artist: Anthony Hutchings
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 20th September 1986

The Story

Walt and his friends spot Barry creeping around with a letter. Walt asks what it is, and Barry tells him to mind his own business, which leads Walt to conclude it's a Love Letter, much to the amusement of everyone in earshot. He decides it's written to Karo, or Cara, or maybe Ann if he can't spell Caroline.

Walt then wants tips on how to write love letters. He guesses it might say, "Dearest Darling your teeth are like stars, they come out at night," or "Your golden hair is like a field of corn...all stubbly after it's been cut."

They follow Barry to the house to see who it is. But the person who opens the door is Miss Shakespeare the English teacher. Barry forgot to hand in his essay today. Miss Shakespeare says not to worry, but someone else forgot their essay too. Walt! He dashes off but Barry calls out for Walt to write Miss his own love letter, and make sure it's 500 lines long!


Whilst Walt is guessing what the letter might say a neighbour throws a boot out of a window towards Walt.