Artist: Anthony Hutchins
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 20th September 1986

The Story

The team have touched down in Tokyo, and teacher reminds them that they must be polite to the Japanese and that you must bow when you meet them. Firstly, they meet Mr Sonyshine, the guide - and they all bow politely.

The coach is ready to take them to the junior baseball contest, and they are introduced to the driver Mr Satsuma, and bow politely. Next they meet the mechanic who makes sure the coach runs smoothly, and they bow politely.

Then they meet the man who fills the coach with fuel, and bow politely. At the baseball pitch they met the manager of the Japanese Junior Basbeall Team, Mr Hari-Kiri. Then they meet Mr Nokendo the assistant manager. Then the boy who is training to be the next assistant manager. The class are feeling rough now, but that's nothing to how they feel after they are introduced to "others." A large group of people who help with the team.

When they've done this their backs are hurting so much, that they're not fit enough to play!


Next to the coach there is a van selling Fresh Karate Chops.
The Japanese have erectd a banner saying "Gleetings To School Team" outside the ground
The Japanse dialect has been included with words like "Herro," and all the Japanes R's are plonouced as L's!