Odd Ball

Launched: 3rd November 1990

Ended: 4th January 2000

Comic Launched In: Buster

Other Comics: Reprints from Whizzer & Chips

Artwork: Terry Bave


Another of Fleetway's long running strips Odd Ball featured in the very first issue of Whizzer and Chips. A wayward ball from a planet bounco game of football, Odd Ball landed on planet Earth and the middle of Nobby's game of football. Nobby decided he'd keep dear old Odd, and the ball settled in to Nobby's family.

Odd Ball fans will notice, how the strips changed over the years. In the early days Odd never said a word, but as the strip progressed, Odd began talking. This was a mixed blessing, as the later strips tended to end on a cheesy joke from the ball.

Despite being able to morph into virtually anything, he seemed to remain orange throughout, which always made me wonder how he got away with scaring people on morphing into animals, like a lion for instance. Who knows any bright orange lions?

Terry Brave worked on the strip throughout, a marvellous achievement to do week in and week out. At one point Odd Ball and Nobby, travelled around the world, seeing all sorts of sights. Odd Ball also had the marvellous achievement of being able to help Nobby time travel too, aiding his history homework.

One of my top strips, Odd Ball made it to the back page of the final Buster, though it wasn't a happy ending. Odd got a puncture, after hiding in some nettles, and like all balls he promptly burst. After 30 years, Odd had finally run out of "hot air!" (groan!)

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With thanks to Toonhound for information.