Artist: Robert Nixon
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 28th December 1985

The Story

Marty is on Humpty Hillock waiting to meet Colin. Suddenly, Colin comes down the hill on his sledge and Marty is pushed into the snow. He comments that Colin is too big to be playing on a sledge, and Colin explains his wants to sell it. He needs £5 to complete his bike fund.

Marty says he got some money for Christmas and might be interested, and Colin pushes him on the sledge, offering Marty a trial run. But the sledge crashes into a wall at Snobton Manor and breaks into small pieces. Colin says he bets Marty doesn't want to buy it now, but the owner of the manor comes out and says he will use it for firewood.

He gives Colin £5, and Colin is finally able to buy his bike!


The strip is decorated in holly.
A small box at the end of the strip promises readers the chance to win Clumsy Colin stunt bikes next week.