Artist: Steve Bright
Type: Page and Half Horzontal Spread
Printed in Issue: 20th July 1985

The Story

Mr Ware finds that the kids have left dirty handprints on a clean towel in the cloakroom and tells them that he doesn't want to see them tomorrow. The next day he goes into the cloakroom and finds a footprint on the towel instead.

Mr Ware takes a picture of it and then goes on the hunt for the culprit. He bursts into a classroom and asks the kids to put their feet on the desks, but the Headmaster kicks him out. So he waits for them to go to gym session, and then searches through the pairs then. But he can't find them.

The kids come back, but can't find their shoes in the heap, and when the headmaster comes to investigate the delay, the kids say it's Mr Ware's fault. Headmaster says he wants to see Mr Ware in his office, but first get rid of the stupid joke footprint someone left on a towel in the cloakroom!
