Page By Page For 10th February 1968

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Issue Number/Date: 10th February 1968
Free Gift: None
Inserts: None
Price: 7D

Strips At A Glance

Front Page) Buster's Dream-World
Pg 1) Galaxus
Pg 2) Galaxus cont.
Pg 3) Galaxus cont.
Pg 4) Freddy "Parrot-Face" Davies
Pg 5) The Wild Bunch
Pg 6) Buster's Birthday Club & Advert for War Picture Library
Pg 7) Fishboy
Pg 8) Fishboy cont.
Pg 9) Wonderworm
Pg 10) The Astounding Adventures of Charlie Peace
Pg 11) The Astounding Adventures of Charlie Peace cont.
Pg 12) The Astounding Adventures of Charlie Peace cont.
Pg 13) Nutty Slack
Pg 14) Nutty Slack cont.
Pg 15) Tin Teacher
Pg 16) Advert for The Royal Navy
Pg 17) Mervyn's Monsters
Pg 18) Mervyn's Monsters cont.
Pg 19) Micky Marvel's Multi Gun
Pg 20) Micky Marvel's Multi Gun cont.
Pg 21) Micky Marvel's Multi Gun cont.
Pg 22) Make Buster Laugh
Pg 23) The Skid Kids
Pg 24) The Skid Kids cont.
Pg 25) Captain Swoop
Pg 26) Captain Swoop cont. & Advert for Valiant
Pg 27) Tubby
Pg 28) Patch Eye Hooker
Pg 29) Patch Eye Hooker cont.
Pg 30) Patch Eye Hooker cont.
Pg 31) Patch Eye Hooker cont.
Pg 32) Tich & Advert for Matchbox Cars
Pg 33) Cruncher
Pg 34) Tom Arto & Advert for Stamps
Pg 35) Buster's Dream-world Cont.

Front Page:


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