Artist: Reg Parlett
Type: Double Page
Printed in Issue: 20th July 1985

The Story

Maddie calls Babs over to invite her to tea with her friend Amanda Woofshed who trains dogs on TV. Dustbin the goat spots Babs heading off to Maddie's and decides to follow as he suspects food will be involved.

Amanda starts showing Babs what tricks her dog can do, and Dustbin that sees the dog getting treats, so decides to gatecrash and show what he can do. He tries sitting up in the begging position, and topples backwards knocking Amanda off her chair.

Whilst Amanda is on the floor, Dusbin starts licking her face like a dog too, but wonders where his treats are. He fetches Amanda's handbag, but everything inside it goes over the floor. Amanda storms out and Dustbin gives her a ride, much to her horror.

Maddies is upset that her famous friends have gone leaving her with no friends. Babs says "you've still got me," but this enrages Maddie more, and the strip ends with Maddie throwing cakes at Dustbin and Babs as they run back to the wall.
