Artist: Jim Crocker
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 4th January 1986

The Story

It's New Year's Day and as Jack is walking past a house a 1985 calendar gets thrown out and straight at him. Mr Brown (who threw it out) apologises, but Jack asks if he can keep it. Mr Brown says yes, although is puzzled as to how it is of any use now.

Jack suddenly realises everyone else will be throwing out calendars too. Next Jack is offering a free calendar fitting service that disposes of old calendars too. He's also down in the park offering a penny per plane that's made out of old calendar pages. He also heads off around town with a waste paper collection. Being Bank holiday there's no papers, but everyone is throwing out old calendars.

Back at home Jack gets told off for cluttering up the house with rubbish. He claims it isn't rubbish, and soon shows that, by turning the old calendars into a bingo game, and there's enough pages to play mini bingo for the whole of 1986.


Jack and his friends are using May for their first game.
This is the only strip in the entire comic to still have houses with Christmas Decorations up!