Artist: Terry Bave
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 28th December 1985

The Story

It's Christmas morning and Guy has loads of presents. His Mum and Dad come in to wish him Merry Christmas and then ask what he's going to do after Breakfast. Mischievous Mike suggests Guy will play with his toys, but Guy says he's going to write his Thank You Letters.

After Breakfast, Mike tries to make Guy go out and play with his new football but Guy insists he has to write his letters first. Mike says it'll take all day, but Guy gets started anyway. Mike tries to get Guy to go out on his new bike, but Guy says not until his letters are finished. Guy says he's doing it on his Dad's word processor and Mike times him the length of time to do the first letter which is ten minutes. Mike says it will take ages to do the rest buy Guy presses a button and all of the letters are printed out.

Then Guy goes out on his bike, leaving Mike shocked at how the modern gadgets are too good to be true!


Guy has fifteen letters to write.
It takes ten minutes to write the first letter.
The side of the strip is decorated with the employees of Temptation LTD and some holly.