Artist: Tom Paterson
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 15th December 1984

The Story

Belle is in her room bored when her father tells her Glenda is on the phone, her best friend! Belle isn't pleased as Grotty Glenda isn't her best friend. Glenda is ringing to point out there's a big party at dishy Dave's house, and she's not been invited.

Belle rushes off to Dave's house to see if it's true, and from a distance she can hear the music and see people dancing. Glenda, is outside her house, threatening to tell everybody at school that Dave's dumped Belle. Grotty hides inside her house and as Belle goes to fight back, Dave appears. He's pleased to see Belle, his paarents are holding the party playing 60s music, and he was so desparate to escape he was going to spend the evening in Glenda's dump.

But, now he's met Belle, they're heading back to Dave''s to listen to modern music. Glenda is seething .


Belle's Dad is labelled as acting daft cos he's in a comic
When Glenda is taunting Belle about Dave Dumping her, Belle imagines tying Glenda tied on a train track with a train approaching
When talking about the party to Belle, Dave describes it as "a terrible party for all their silly old friends. They're playing corny old sixties music!"
There's a book on Belle's bedroom floor called Improve Your Posing